Sunday, July 24, 2011

Living Impaired - Blossom and Decay

Living Impaired

Their debut album, World Keeps Spinning, was decent but nothing amazing, but the follow-up, Blossom and Decay is one of those albums that even though I have it in my collection, I frequently forget how good it really is. This is unique death metal with a hint of dissonant hardcore flavor. It sounds like it wouldn't work, but it does...really well. This used to be findable for dirt cheap in many second hand online shops, but I think with the recent (semi) explosion in obscure metal has caused a lot of places to charge stupid amounts for this. It also seem to not be available on the web in digital format except for on this blog, which surprised the hell out of me.

With Hell our Road Ends -
Basic Values -



Josh said...
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Josh said...

Knew you'd have this on the blog. Thanks for posting this.
Fucking killer drummer, one of the best in death metal.

And indeed the slight dissonance works well. The dissonance part is what actually convinced me.