Saturday, August 11, 2012

Sicarii - Within Your City Walls A Rising Storm

I've had a copy of this for about a decade now, and I never knew the album wasn't self-titled. The band only had screen printed cover versions on sale when they were on tour, and no place on that cover does it mention the album's actual title.

Anyway, it's a pretty good album. I remember when I set the show up, the band member in charge of booking said something like "we're similar to what would happen if Orchid and Catharsis melded together". That's fairly accurate I guess. 

It's got elements of both Orchid and Catharsis. It's less chaotic than Orchid but does feature some of their chaotic bursts, and way less metal than Catharsis, but gives you the same overall feel as listening to them, all while being slightly less pretentious than either of those bands. It's been one of the records I've held on to even through multiple there's something about it that really does it for me. I don't know how other people would feel about it, so I don't know if I'd call it a lost gem or anything, but it's certainly a personal gem.

Grab this here:

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